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Online-Lecture: “Feedback: How to Benefit and Avoid Mistakes”

  • Date: 29/10/2024 (TUE)
  • Language: Ukrainian
  • Time: 11:00 - 12:30
  • Fee:free of charge for EBA members

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  Online-Lecture: “Feedback: How to Benefit and Avoid Mistakes”. Date: 29 October2024. Time: 11:00 12:30. Language: Ukrainian. Fee: free of charge for EBA members. Place: Will be online. In todays fast-paced world, where the speed of change demands constant improvement, feedback becomes an essential part of success. It helps us understand where we are on the path to our goals, what we are doing well, and what still needs work. This is not just an exchange of information, but a process that stimulates development, improves communication, and strengthens mutual understanding. Properly given and received feedback can change situations, resolve conflicts, and open up new opportunities. In this lecture, we will explore specific algorithms and frameworks that help provide and receive feedback in a way that benefits all participants in the process. We will learn how to avoid the pitfalls of subjective evaluation and criticism, find a balance between silence and aggression, and learn to use feedback for personal and professional growth. EBA Management Development Centre together with Iryna Patlakh invites you to the Online-Lecture: Feedback: How to Benefit and Avoid Mistakes. Speaker: Iryna Patlakh, PhD, certified business trainer, and game practitioner, founder of the training company IMPACT. With 19 years of teaching experience in higher education institutions, 15 years of training practice, and 23 years of commercial activity experience. Over 200 projects with an NPS of 91%. A graduate of the Successful Negotiation. Essential Strategies and Skills course (University of Michigan, USA). She has experience in developing training designs for major market players in various commercial niches, as well as in the public and governmental sectors. Specialization – Authors business games and trainings on negotiations, sales, management, emotional intelligence. Questions for discussion: Feedback VS Subjective Evaluation: How to avoid criticism, accusations, judgment, and labeling? How to formulate thoughts so that the interlocutor is ready to perceive your ideas and meanings? Problems of Providing Feedback: Silence VS Violence. How to Give Feedback Depending on the Level of Performance (Frameworks DC, BOFF, ZZVYA). How to Receive Feedback Without Falling into Denial, Accusation, Apology. Action Plan as a Key Part of Feedback. Cases, Q&A. Registration is obligatory. To become a participant, please, click the “Register” button. Only the users of the EBA site can register at the event. Should you have any questions, please, write at [email protected] or call (044) 496-06-01. Speakers. Iryna Patlakh. Founder and head of the training company «IMPACT» https://www.impact-training.info; PhD, certified business trainer, specialization – author’s business games and trainings on negotiations, sales, management, emotional intelligence. Consultant in the field of negotiations and sales; Graduate of the negotiation course «Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills» (University of Michigan, USA); 19 years of teaching at Universities, 15 years of coaching practice, more than 150 corporate clients and 2000 individual clients with NPS 91%; Experience of commercial activity – 20 years.. You can send a question to:. Contact person:. Anna Malikova. E-mail [email protected]. Contact Phone. 067 218 27 41.

In today’s fast-paced world, where the speed of change demands constant improvement, feedback becomes an essential part of success. It helps us understand where we are on the path to our goals, what we are doing well, and what still needs work. This is not just an exchange of information, but a process that stimulates development, improves communication, and strengthens mutual understanding. Properly given and received feedback can change situations, resolve conflicts, and open up new opportunities.

In this lecture, we will explore specific algorithms and frameworks that help provide and receive feedback in a way that benefits all participants in the process. We will learn how to avoid the pitfalls of subjective evaluation and criticism, find a balance between silence and aggression, and learn to use feedback for personal and professional growth.

EBA Management Development Centre together with Iryna Patlakh invites you to the Online-Lecture: “Feedback: How to Benefit and Avoid Mistakes”.

Speaker: Iryna Patlakh, PhD, certified business trainer, and game practitioner, founder of the training company “IMPACT”. With 19 years of teaching experience in higher education institutions, 15 years of training practice, and 23 years of commercial activity experience. Over 200 projects with an NPS of 91%. A graduate of the “Successful Negotiation. Essential Strategies and Skills” course (University of Michigan, USA). She has experience in developing training designs for major market players in various commercial niches, as well as in the public and governmental sectors.

Specialization – Author’s business games and trainings on negotiations, sales, management, emotional intelligence.

Questions for discussion:

  • Feedback VS Subjective Evaluation: How to avoid criticism, accusations, judgment, and labeling? How to formulate thoughts so that the interlocutor is ready to perceive your ideas and meanings?
  • Problems of Providing Feedback: Silence VS Violence.
  • How to Give Feedback Depending on the Level of Performance (Frameworks DC, BOFF, ZZVYA).
  • How to Receive Feedback Without Falling into Denial, Accusation, Apology.
  • Action Plan as a Key Part of Feedback.
  • Cases, Q&A.

Registration is obligatory. To become a participant, please, click the “Register” button. Only the users of the EBA site can register at the event. Should you have any questions, please, write at [email protected] or call (044) 496-06-01. 


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Iryna Patlakh
Founder and head of the training company «IMPACT» https://www.impact-training.info; PhD, certified business trainer, specialization – author’s business games and trainings on negotiations, sales, management, emotional intelligence. Consultant in the field of negotiations and sales; Graduate of the negotiation course «Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills» (University of Michigan, USA); 19 years of teaching at Universities, 15 years of coaching practice, more than 150 corporate clients and 2000 individual clients with NPS 91%; Experience of commercial activity – 20 years.
Iryna Patlakh

You can send a question to:

Contact person:

Anna Malikova

067 218 27 41


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