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Online-Lecture: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) in the Business Environment Through the Introduction of WEPs Principles

Trends and Innovations
  • Date: 27/02/2024 (TUE)
  • Language: Ukrainian
  • Time: 11:00 - 12:30
  • Fee:free of charge for EBA members

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  Online-Lecture: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) in the Business Environment Through the Introduction of WEPs Principles. Date: 27 February2024. Time: 11:00 12:30. Language: Ukrainian. Fee: free of charge for EBA members. Place: Will be online. EBA Management Development Centre together with Iryna Tytarchuk invite you to take part in the Online-Lecture: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) in the Business Environment Through the Introduction of WEPs Principles. This online-lecture includes an introduction to the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) and approaches to the implementation of gender equality in the activity of enterprises. Speaker: Iryna Tytarchuk, National consultant of UN Women on supporting private sector partners to implement initiatives on women’s economic empowerment. Has 5 years of practical experience in business consulting on implementing a gender approach in activities and supporting women’s entrepreneurship through the platform of Women IN. Candidate of economic sciences, assistant professor of the department of public relations of the National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy, head of projects on training and economic empowerment of women. Topics under discussion: What are WEPs and DEIB and why are they important for business?  Why is it important to know about the gender pay gap and what is the role of business in overcoming it? How to plan strategic activity plans taking into consideration the gender approach and WEPs? How to use gender analytics and why is it important for business?  Registration is obligatory. To become a participant, please, click the “Register” button. Only the users of the EBA site can register at the event. Should you have any questions, please, write at [email protected] or call (044) 496-06-01.Speakers. Iryna Tytarchuk. National consultant of UN Women on supporting private sector partners to implement initiatives on women’s economic empowerment. Has 5 years of practical experience in business consulting on implementing a gender approach in activities and supporting women’s entrepreneurship through the platform of Women IN. Candidate of economic sciences, assistant professor of the department of public relations of the National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy, head of projects on training and economic empowerment of women.. You can send a question to:. Contact person:. Anna Vashchenko. E-mail [email protected]. Contact Phone. 044 496 06 01.

EBA Management Development Centre together with Iryna Tytarchuk invite you to take part in the Online-Lecture: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) in the Business Environment Through the Introduction of WEPs Principles.

This online-lecture includes an introduction to the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) and approaches to the implementation of gender equality in the activity of enterprises.

Speaker: Iryna Tytarchuk, National consultant of UN Women on supporting private sector partners to implement initiatives on women’s economic empowerment. Has 5 years of practical experience in business consulting on implementing a gender approach in activities and supporting women’s entrepreneurship through the platform of Women IN. Candidate of economic sciences, assistant professor of the department of public relations of the National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy, head of projects on training and economic empowerment of women.

Topics under discussion:

  • What are WEPs and DEIB and why are they important for business? 
  • Why is it important to know about the gender pay gap and what is the role of business in overcoming it?
  • How to plan strategic activity plans taking into consideration the gender approach and WEPs?
  • How to use gender analytics and why is it important for business? 

Registration is obligatory. To become a participant, please, click the “Register” button. Only the users of the EBA site can register at the event. Should you have any questions, please, write at [email protected] or call (044) 496-06-01.


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Iryna Tytarchuk
National consultant of UN Women on supporting private sector partners to implement initiatives on women’s economic empowerment. Has 5 years of practical experience in business consulting on implementing a gender approach in activities and supporting women’s entrepreneurship through the platform of Women IN. Candidate of economic sciences, assistant professor of the department of public relations of the National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy, head of projects on training and economic empowerment of women.
Iryna Tytarchuk

You can send a question to:

Contact person:

Anna Vashchenko

044 496 06 01


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