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PMD Pre-MBA 2018_Module 3. Marketing

23/ 05/ 2018
    Marketing Communications are vital for any business and its operational efficiency. Today, it is the formation of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) which is crucial to any organisation. It is a simple concept which ensures that all forms of communications and messages are carefully linked together whilst ensuring the efforts of every stakeholder are aligned to the changing requirements within any market place. IMC solidifies communications around customers and helps them move through the various stages of the buying process. At the third module of PMD Pre-MBA Chris Liassides, Academic Director of Postgraduate Studies, Senior Lecturer, The University of Sheffield International Faculty (UK), addressed issues relating to IMC strategies and techniques that all contemporary marketers should adopt. We would like to extend our sincerest thanks and appreciation to Chris Liassides for the very practical information and engaging exercises. Special thanks to our partners: CITY College, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, Japan Tobacco International, Radisson Blu Hotel, Kyiv Podil, Реприза. Look forward to the next session on June 30th!


Marketing Communications are vital for any business and its operational efficiency. Today, it is the formation of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) which is crucial to any organisation. It is a simple concept which ensures that all forms of communications and messages are carefully linked together whilst ensuring the efforts of every stakeholder are aligned to the changing requirements within any market place. IMC solidifies communications around customers and helps them move through the various stages of the buying process.

At the third module of PMD Pre-MBA Chris Liassides, Academic Director of Postgraduate Studies, Senior Lecturer, The University of Sheffield International Faculty (UK), addressed issues relating to IMC strategies and techniques that all contemporary marketers should adopt.

We would like to extend our sincerest thanks and appreciation to Chris Liassides for the very practical information and engaging exercises. Special thanks to our partners: CITY College, International Faculty of the University of SheffieldJapan Tobacco InternationalRadisson Blu Hotel, Kyiv PodilРеприза. Look forward to the next session on June 30th!

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